Monday, July 10, 2006

let's all talk about the pirates of the caribbean.


Blogger bethany said...

I LIKED: the costumes and the sea-creature men, and some of the lines delivered by gareth (particularly the one about joining the circus). it was also sort of fun (not "da vinci code summer blockbuster fun" but fun none-the-less).
I HATED: that it was made with the sole purpose of steming more movies. the first film at least had a decent story and stood on it's own two feet. this one, it seemed, didn't need to be made at all.

6:12 PM  
Blogger emsley said...

i totally agree on all points beth. i felt like they were trying to cram way too much action and not enough character develpoment so AGAIN, i am left with a "who cares" feeling about everyone and everything that was happening. and i feel kind of stupid saying this, but for the life of me, i could not follow what was happening half the time. the plot seemed to never stay in one place long enough for anything to sink in. it was like they just wanted to add more charaters and more plot twists and continually raise the stakes to the point that i didn't know nor care about what was happening. but maybe that was just me.

but yes, davey jones and his men were visually fantastic and i loved garreth's character. but what was up with jack sparrow? if he was the reason why everyone loved the first one, why did i feel like he was hardly in it?

and why did a movie for kids have birds eating out people's eyes?

7:03 PM  
Blogger Rosemeyer said...

I was bored by it. If it was a rental I would have went to bed. But the first one was a good time. The ending made no sense to me and I'd rather leave it that way, as usual. It's easier to scoff when it's all meaningless. Luckily Em and I spent 75 cents a piece because of a gift certificate from Christmas. Thanks Aunt Darla and Uncle Donny. Sorry we wasted it on Dead Man's Balls.

8:44 PM  
Blogger bethany said...

YES! em, i didn't know what was going on either... but one more thing i liked: aaron text messaging us about seeing it the day we all decided to go anyway.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Reese said...

dude! we all saw this recently??? hahaha me and Jon and his sisters saw it in NC! i'll add my comments

2:40 AM  
Blogger Reese said...

any and all comments i had about this movie were stated last nite, very late, in the middle of the street with em and i feel the topic has been exhausted...or at least, *I* was completely exhausted!
here's a summary:
-ridiculously over-the-top
-waaay too long
-fabulous costumes
-humorous (at times) johnny depp
in a nutshell, "amen, beth & em!"
enough said.

6:14 PM  

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