Monday, July 03, 2006

At Last!!

Today was the day I finally broke through with this one! After a couple failed start-up attempts over the past few months, I am pleased to say this book has finally "hooked" (yes, awful fly-fishing pun intended) me in!

Here are some things that won me over...

from pg. 22 Gus' description of his somewhat "unknowable" brother Bill Bob which ends with "...he likes baseball...rockets, TV, firetrucks....bow ties, M&M's, Bibles, True cigarettes...and reading the want ads when he doesn't want anything--which is everyday." <--- haha

all of ch. 5b "The Great Izaak Walton Controversy: My Own Rendition"

from pg. 40 These humorous entries in his "God-notebook"
-"Fathern Heaven"
-"Parsonal Lord N. Savior"
-"R. Lord"

One line in particular was very intriguing to me...only because, as most of you have probably heard me say before, though I have no idea what to do with the whole "Christian" thing I was raised on anymore, I have always taken it forgranted that God can be found/sensed/whatever in least that's how it's always been for me. But on page 38, the main character expresses something that was very foreign to my own experience and so I found it very interesting. In short, he states, "..I'd fished as intently as perhaps any boy had ever done, and I not only failed to encounter Walton's God, I failed to see the least evidence of His existence." Wow. So, yeah, right there I was hooked.

Though it's a bit premature for me to make a full-on "recommendation", I will say this...I absolutely *loved* "The Brother's K" and therefore was excited to read this book, but the flyfishing details early on left me kinda "eh"...but now that I've gotten thru (and really, it was only the first 20 to 25 pgs. I struggled with), I'm very glad that I stuck it out...well worth it!


Blogger Reese said...

hehehe that's funny! actually, even though i've always known it's the word 'why', i *picture* it as the letter 'Y' as well!

1:47 PM  

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