Saturday, January 03, 2009

Alice & Darkness Light Darkness

Last night I treated myself to Jan Svankmajer's stop-motion, Czech version of Alice in Wonderland, and his short stop motion film Darkness Light Darkness. If you would like to be wondered and creeped at the same time, look no farther. The film is mostly silent except for some dialog all in Alice's voice, paired with close ups of her saying who said the stuff (eg: "...muttered the White Rabbit.") When Alice is tall, she's a girl, and when she's small, she's a doll, except when she gets caught and put in a glue pot and then she is this:

All of the animals have bulging fake eyes, including the caterpillar:

and they also have real tongues, used to great effect.

The tongue is also evident in the short film, which is a story of creation that ends up very cramped:

You can probably watch it on youtube but I recommend netflixing it. A full description is here.


Blogger goooooood girl said...

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1:36 AM  
Blogger emsley said...

I've been meaning to watch this, I'm glad to hear it's weird and good. I did watch Jan Svankmajer's Faust, which was very bizarre but very enjoyable.

8:34 AM  

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