Sunday, June 08, 2008

Movies I Watched This Week 6/1/08-6/7/08

Archangel-More gloriously bizarre Guy Maddin fun. This film set in WWI Russia and is full of amnesiac characters. I now have a new favorite intertitle: "Strangled by an intestine!"

21 Up-I'm glad this series is available on Netflix instant viewing; I've been enjoying these films at work. Such an interesting concept to follow people through their lives. I like that in this one the kids are becoming self-reflexive about their roles as the subjects of the films.

Haxan:Witchcraft Through the Ages- I've never seen anything else like this. It's a silent film about witches, evil spirits, the devil and the like. It's part documentary with subtitles acting as a narrator presenting factual information about the folk beliefs about witchcraft (complete with some wonderful old illustrations) accompanied by dramas about supposed witches, their nefarious doings (including partying with Satan and literally kissing his butt!) and the appalling torture that these women were put through to produce a confession of their commitment to the devil. Watching this brought back memories of my Russian Fairy Tales class and what we learned about Russian folk belief. Incredible cinematography, great costumes and special effects, and three cheers for for Criterion for presenting a such a beautiful print.

Julien Donkey-Boy-I've never seen a Harmony Korine film and I've heard horrible things about Gummo, but I decided to give this a shot. It sat on my dvd player for three weeks before I could work up the motivation to watch something that was potentially a disaster. And it was a disaster, but for me it was a watchable mess. I think Werner Herzog's presence helped.

I also rewatched Jaws and now summer has officially begun.


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