Monday, August 25, 2008

Movies I have recently seen

You may think that I've done a poor job as of late documenting my movie watching but the truth is I haven't been watching loads of movies. I just don't do that in the summer. But I have seen a handful of films that are worth noting:

Encounters at the End of the World-y'all know I love Herzog. While I'm sure his narration in this one could be seen a bit intrusive but Herzog is just as much of a character in his own films as his always compelling subjects. I will admit he doesn't always come across as the nicest person but I find his thoughts, philosophy on life and especially the questions he asks compelling. In this film, he travels to Antarctica to see who and what makes such a remote and stark place their home. The film is filled with gorgeous underwater footage, crazy scientists, an amazing soundtrack including unbelievable underwater seal calls, and the unforgettable imagery that I have found in every one of Herzog's films. There's one image in particular that is so full of sadness and mystery that will be with me for quite some time.

Lake of Fire- I felt like this film truly captures the complexity of the issue of abortion. It was was unbiased and very fair in showing both sides and provided fresh perspectives on an issue that has been beaten into the ground. It's a long one and very difficult to watch at points, but it's also one of the better documentaries I have ever seen: the cinematography is gorgeous without taking away from the content and the style is simple while not being nonexistent.

Man on Wire-I saw this on a whim tonight, I figured after our week of roughing in the Maine woods, it would be nice to see a movie. I saw a trailer for this at some point and thought it would be good, but I had no idea how good it would be. It's a documentary (that seems to be all I'm watching these days!) about a French man who felt it was his destiny to tightrope walk in between the World Trade Center buildings and how he fulfilled this dream. The story was told through a series of interviews, and a mix of real footage and reenactments. I usually cringe when a film uses reenactments, but this was done brilliantly and seamlessly with existing footage; I'm not exactly sure what was real and what was reenacted! The film was utterly breathtaking and exhilarating. I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Free documentary films!!


Tipped off by The Morning News Digest, a wonderful source as always