Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Schwa Was Here

I picked this book up at the library just based on the cover, which I do quite frequently with fiction. It turned out to be a great read. The Schwa is a boy who goes so unnoticed, he's nearly invisible. It's fun and sad and everything a good children's /young adult's book should be. Recommended.

Dracula: Pages From A Virgin's Diary

This film was beautiful, fun, and quite possibly the best film adaptation of Dracula I've seen. With each of his films I see, I appreciate Guy Maddin more and more.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I had forgotten how heartbreaking and perfect Jason Molina/Songs: Ohia is. I'm letting him soothe my weary soul this morning.

Friday, July 06, 2007

a nyt bestseller, but still

this book is good:

It helped me through a migraine. It was not too difficult to read during pain, and not stupid so that I thought about the pain. And it gave me the idea to meditate on my pain, which helped me through the night.