Tuesday, January 31, 2006

she's going to be the most popular girl

Thursday, January 26, 2006

this movie was great

(the man who copied)

this one was not.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

2005 movies i saw

i liked: junebug, batman begins, capote, me and you and everyone we know, grizzly man, my beautiful mari, lost embrace, why we fight, end of the century, walk the line, the squid and the whale, broken flowers, sin city, harry potter and the goblet of fire, dear wendy

was disappointed by: the lion, the witch, and the wordrobe, charlie and the chocolate factory, everything is illuminated

so much for year end summaries.

Friday, January 06, 2006

total hottness!

i absolutely love gene kelly and cyd charrise in singin in the rain. they have amazing chemistry in their one brief segment together.

Monday, January 02, 2006

i thought you guys were an f-ing ghost!

the most extraordinary space investigations is a well thought out, highly insightful internet short series that not only expands the mind, but also provides entertainment of the highest order. it gracefully deals with hot issues such as miscarriages and cancer. it's value infused, teaching trust, emotion, and science, making it ideal viewing for the whole family. each episode the team is presented with a challenging assignment from their commander, brilliantly potrayed by the up and coming actor, dan harmon. despite many obsticles that come before them, the space investigators prove victorious by the close of each episode making it "a real crowd pleaser"(gene siskel). with it's use of cutting edge special effects combined with the clever dialogue, it's no suprise that it's been hailed "the greatest show in channel 101 history!"(channel 101).